21. Dezember 2011

Neue Produktion: Woman in Citylights of London

Die Citylights-Hintergründe haben wir in London fotografiert.
Postproduktion: Inhouse, Bernhard Lang

15. Dezember 2011

30. Oktober 2011

Winter Aerials in der Getty Gallery in London

Diese beiden Winter Aerial Morive sind zu sehen im Rahmen der "it takes more" Exhibition in der Getty Gallery in London. 

Ausstellungseröffnung, 46 Eastcastle Street London:

Neue Produktion: Businessman in Citylights

23. Oktober 2011

Aerial Views Features & Interview auf diversen Creative Blogs

Article by Apostolos Mitsios (www.yatzer.com):

Yatzer invites you to discover the inspiring work of German photographer Bernhard Lang and his almost existential take on how we look when viewed from above. His aerial photos, revealing the vastness of nature and the solitude of humankind, simply amaze. [...]
It is really amazing what any appropriate distance, be it emotional and physical, can do. Aren’t there times you wished that you had protected yourself from a troubled relationship? Or you perhaps you just wished you had not been so scared and took a certain risk? It would be so helpful sometimes if in our everyday life, we had the chance to see our microcosm and our relationships from a more adequate perspective, not too close up not too far either, and interact with others whilst being neither too involved nor too distant. It would certainly solve a lot of our problems, from a tiny heartbreak to great frustration. Bernhard Lang, a talented German photographer with a versatile career to his name, is obsessed with finding this ideal distance, the perfect point where nature and humans could seem to be living together in a perfect match. His aerial views, almost unreal in their calculated formalism, amaze with the new perspective they cast on this eternal battle, both aesthetic and existential, between the natural environment and the human presence.
Bernhard Lang’s photos are proof that, when viewed from above, we are the weirdest intruders on planet earth! The human figures in his photos seem almost unreal, like colorful playmobils with no sense of their own existence. It is almost funny to see them spend their spare time under the sun or swimming carefree in a river or swimming pool. Under this perspective or indeed microscope, Lang’s work is a reminder that whatever our life and our problems may be, a zoom out picture will always reveal that we are just small creatures, nothing more than a tiny reflection of the universe.
Lang’s stills look like paintings. This is due to the amazing color pallet of his work that intensifies the impression that nature, rather than the photographed, is painted on canvas. The green of the trees and the blue of the deep sea in his photos remind us that the universe we are part of is definitely worth living. Moreover, one cannot but admire Lang’s talent to turn a simple view into a deep sensorial experience. His aerial views are the triumph of mankind in a natural environment that both scares and amazes. Standing somewhere between the earth and the sky, his work is an act of liberation; a colorful celebration of life in its most:

Interview auf deutsch:

New Creative Imagery from Getty Images

Ob es sich um ein eigenes Projekt oder Aufträge handelt, in seinen Arbeiten hat sich Fotograf Bernhard Lang den Charakter der Beobachtung zu eigen gemacht. In seiner bisher dreiteiligen ‘Aeriel Views’ Reihe schaut er von oben auf die Welt. Das ist nicht Google-Earth like, denn er dokumentiert damit einen Moment im Leben von Menschen in den verschiedensten Szenarien, wie etwa einem Freibad, Skipisten oder eben auch einem See. Dabei untersucht er fotografisch die Landschaften und die Beziehungen der einzelnen Menschen zueinander. Durch ihre Nähe oder Entfernung werden seine Aufnahmen zum Teil zu kleinen Gesellschafts- und Schwarmstudien.

15. September 2011

Buchveröffentlichung "Aerial Views"

Auf 80 Seiten Highlights und neue Aufnahmen des „Aerial Views“ Projekts. 
Mit einem Text von Apostolos Mitsios (www.yatzer.com)
Bestellbar bei Blurb, hier eine Vorschau:

Neue "Aerial Views" Produktionen 2011

Aerials 2011

Isar River Aerials 2011

Lake Aerials 2011

12. August 2011