18. Februar 2020

Published in Capital Magazine, Germany 2020 / 02

"Die gefährlichste aller Weltanschauugen ist die Weltanschauung der Leute, welche die Welt nicht angeschaut haben". Zitat: Alexander von Humboldt. An image of the Cruise Ship Carnival Vista, I captured close to Sicily. Published in Capital Magazin 02 /2020, Germany.

11. Februar 2020

Neues Aerial Views Project:


The heart of steel production still beats in Germany, where millions of tons of steel are produced annually.

The steel industry in Europe is an important employer but is under great international pressure. Germany is the largest steel producer in the EU with a market share of 25 percent. The industry is under pressure because cheap steel from the Far East is flooding the world market.

Captured out of a little aircraft in November 2019, over the ThyssenKrupp Stahlwerk in Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia - one of the biggest steelworks in Europe. With permission of thyssenKrupp Steel.