New Aerial Views Project „BAVARIAN FOREST“, captured a few weeks ago out of a little Plane.
Most of the topics of my Aerial Views project, which I have been following since 2010, deal with the intervention and often also the destruction of our environment by humans.This new aerial photo series about the Bavarian Forest, the first Nationalpark in Germany founded in 1970, shows nature that is largely left to its own devices again, true to the park’s motto “NATUR NATUR SEIN LASSEN“.
The nature zone of the Bavarian Forest National Park is thus one of the very few places in geographically divided and densely populated Germany where, in the sense of human non-intervention, at least secondary wilderness should be possible again, especially in spite of the age of the Anthropocene, in which there is no completely uninfluenced nature anymore.
In order to ensure the preservation of the protected natural areas in the Bavarian Forest, I would like to support the Junior Ranger National Park association, whose work and idea consists of wanting to convey an awareness for the protection and preservation of the emerging forest wilderness to children from the region. 10% of each Print Sale will be donated.
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